The Forgotten Commandment
"Honor your father and mother." (Exodus 20:12)
Easy for some, challenging--but--possible for others. Yet it stands as God's will for children of every age and all circumstances. So much is lost when we neglect this command--the emotional connection of expressed love, the bonding of generations, the healing of past pain and the real possibility of family reconciliation.
In "The Forgotten Commandment", Dennis Rainey illustrates why it is important that we make this long-forgotten commandment a priority. Along the way he also offers practical instruction and biblical motivation for honoring all parents, even those who may not live quite so honorably.
In this 20th anniversary edition, read stories of how obedience to this commandment is still changing lives, reconciling relationships and redirecting family legacies. It is a message every family needs to hear.
Dennis Rainey's Tribute to His Father
A Reading From The Forgotten Commandment:
One of my greatest regrets was not honoring my Dad before his sudden death at 66 years of age. As a young man I was just beginning to appreciate the greatness of my father and his incredible contributions to my life. I wish I’d understood the power of “honor” while he was alive.
I didn’t.
And it’s one of my greatest regrets.
But I still wrote him a Tribute after he died.
It hangs in my office next to my mom’s Tribute which I did write and give to her while she was alive.
Obey the 5th Commandment – It’s life giving.
- Dennis Rainey